Sydney is still going to PT once every other week. This past week her therapist took measurements and the good news is that she is turning her head the same number of degrees left and right and the same range with her tilt left and right. The bad news is when she plays, she still tilts her head 6 degrees (so she’s not in midline all the time). The therapist believes the tilt is due to muscle memory and the only way to really correct that is to have Sydney wear a TOT collar (to read more about the TOT collar click here: The collar will basically keep her head in midline while she plays and hopefully remind her to keep her head straight. We have to get the collar ordered and the therapist will fit her and she’ll only wear it when she plays. We’ll take it off for feeding, bath, and sleeping.
Today was Sydney’s first dentist appointment. We saw Dr. Elsner in Fredericksburg (not our family dentist because he doesn’t seen children until they are 3) and he was excellent! He was very personable and met and talked with Sydney before he brought us back and checked her teeth. She did great! She didn't cry or try to get away from him! He said that everything looks good and her teeth are coming in at the right place and pace so she’s on track. He gave us a Sydney sized toothbrush too J She’ll go back in one year for another check-up.